36 weeks
By NanyFadhly Thursday, November 25, 2010 Simply Me
My baby put on his weight for 600gram within two weeks while mine was same as last visited. Being a quite pressure to complete all tasks before I start my leave made my appetite gone. It's worried me I think. *sigh*
I can say that almost 100% of my baby's stuffs are ready but yet, I did not pack my stuff and put it in the car like I did during my previous pregnancy.Well, let it done this weekend.
Today, it's only left around 23 days from my due date. Let's pray hard for everything! and hope that every planned will be going smooth and safe!
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34 weeks and 3 days
By NanyFadhly Thursday, November 11, 2010 Simply Me
Owh, I put on weight for 3 kilos in 2 weeks!. However, after the detailed scan has been done, the baby weighting at 2.2kilo which means, according to my gynea all is norm. She just concerned if only my baby is too big, then I have to control my apetite.
Another story is, as usual.... it's quite difficult to get his best picture since he loves his original position.. "pandang belakang" . Finally, the best moment has been captured!. He is pinching his nose.
ps : Macam perli aku jer...tauler idung kurang mancung. HAHAHAHAHAH
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Welcome November
By NanyFadhly Sunday, November 07, 2010 Hannah
Hannah's new words :
GOOD die ckp jadik GOODiiii
STRONG die tukar jadik STRONGiii
OPSS jadik OPPSii
1st story :
Back from hometown this afternoon we drop at R&R Awan Besar for lunch. Makan ayam kampung kat sana. Then, she saw a group of police just finished their lunch and Hannah was yelled at me.. "MAMA!!!! POLICEMEN!!!!!!!"..huhuhu...sib baik, la abang2 polis tu tak dengar sebab derang dah bergerak menuju ke kereta.
2nd story :
This evening , she's felt hungry. Thus, she comes to me and say :
"Mama, Hannah hungry...nak meehoon"
Dah pandai demand nak makan ape. Once cooked, mmg die makan beriya la.
3rd stroy :
She's fart. Yes! everybody buang angin kan... and her dialogue was like this :
"MAMA, HANNAH FART..small,small..."
owh.... 1st time dengar mmg gelak smpi nak pecah perut
4th story :
Ada gambar ayam dlm buku. Then, my mother aka, Hannah's opah...told her.. ini ROASTER..yerla, sebab ayam jantan. Bibik pulak sibuk nak interframe, cakap.. "AYAM JAGUH"..haa,,amik kau!...then, after that...when I looked at that picture, Hannah spontanouesly said to me... "MAMA, this is not chicken...ROASTER"...huhuhuhu
GOOD die ckp jadik GOODiiii
STRONG die tukar jadik STRONGiii
OPSS jadik OPPSii
1st story :
Back from hometown this afternoon we drop at R&R Awan Besar for lunch. Makan ayam kampung kat sana. Then, she saw a group of police just finished their lunch and Hannah was yelled at me.. "MAMA!!!! POLICEMEN!!!!!!!"..huhuhu...sib baik, la abang2 polis tu tak dengar sebab derang dah bergerak menuju ke kereta.
2nd story :
This evening , she's felt hungry. Thus, she comes to me and say :
"Mama, Hannah hungry...nak meehoon"
Dah pandai demand nak makan ape. Once cooked, mmg die makan beriya la.
3rd stroy :
She's fart. Yes! everybody buang angin kan... and her dialogue was like this :
"MAMA, HANNAH FART..small,small..."
owh.... 1st time dengar mmg gelak smpi nak pecah perut
4th story :
Ada gambar ayam dlm buku. Then, my mother aka, Hannah's opah...told her.. ini ROASTER..yerla, sebab ayam jantan. Bibik pulak sibuk nak interframe, cakap.. "AYAM JAGUH"..haa,,amik kau!...then, after that...when I looked at that picture, Hannah spontanouesly said to me... "MAMA, this is not chicken...ROASTER"...huhuhuhu