Alhamdulillah...the interview when well despite of having a difficulties with my baby Uwais. Oh! he throw his tantrum during the interview session. :(
Anyway, I really hope that, you guys can accept what I have said and pardon me for the nervousness hence I am afraid that the message was not there. Sorry. Saya hanya manusia biasa.
TV9 - HIjab Stailista program
Setiap hari Sabtu pukul 1130 am.
With Ms Hajar, the interviewer and make up artist!.
See le petit??? Haisshhh....susah sangat since die taknak dekat orang and my husband was not around and ape lagi...memang membelit habis budak nih.
Nervous I! hahaha...Hajar is giving direction on the mic I guess. Erk! tak sure...tak ingat..
Subhanallah!! she was so pretty! kulit lawa, putih gebu, mulus, flawless! baik sangat and humble too. Sian Meera tak leh gak nak handle Uwais. Cun macam ni pun die takmo. Hahaha....anyway, nice knowing you Meera. Semoga Meera berjaya mencapai cita-cita dan terima kasih sebab adjust shawl akak jadi ala-ala2 hijabista giitew. Haha...
They said, they want to see my blog too. Particular on my handbag part!. *blushing*. ( since nama blog pun erk!! tak komersial langsung) |
Ok lah, after all...I should thank to Kak Aleen. She's the one who recommended me to them. I was so honored kak! When I said to her.." Alahai kak, depa nak tanye pasal ni mana tau fashion kak oi..but sy tolong bg yg terbaik and yg penting syariah compliance"..and she replied...
"U potray a good example of true muslim kat Paris ni..among us"
I was chocked with emotion....I was only a slave to ALLAH SWT and only an ordinary lady. You know...everyday I was struggling to become a better muslimah. There was A LOT more that I need to learn. I misses the usrah calm me with it's way......
Guys, pls don't ask when it will be airing because I also wanted to know. Hajar said, she will keep me posted. Lastly, thank you for having me you guys..The Hijab Stailista crew...Kak Tina, Kak Leen, Hajar - you're awesome! made my butterfly in stomach gone by helping me with the script when I lost in the middle ( sebab kadang jawapan ke laut)...hahaha...Abg Wan, adik Nuh Hujan and Meera. Wish we can meet again later in you ...
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Sunday, May 26, 2013
The youngest in the family has turned 1 last week. Alhamdulillah..despite of no birthday party and special cake for him but yet, we still had a blast celebration on his birthday. We went to Disneyland again and met Cinderella princess, explored the little small world by the boat and motuers action. Although Uwais is still small to appreciate all these things..but we bet his big sis and bro really enjoyed it!..heheh..
Takper la Uwais, once we back to Malaysia ( lagi 5 hari) then, mama can order the cutest birthday cake so that we can make a small celebration with our family members ok sayang?
Happily playing |
I am expert in crawling and climbing
Me with mama, papa, Kakak and Abang. Lovely picture with Effeil Tower background. Unfortunately, Kakak is looking at another place. Sigh.
I love playing with Abang Umair and Kakak Hannah!!!.
After watching the stunt show. It was a great show but the sound was too loud. Mama said, it was not good for baby like me. Hence, we only stayed for 30min. Abang Umair was really enjoyed it since cars and motorbike are his favorite toys.
Next! we went to ride the boat and enjoyed the 'small world' place.
Before we managed to meet the Princess Cinderella we need to get the reservation ticket 1st. Papa said, the process just like to meet the V.I.P. But I don't understand what is V.I.P . Hehehe...Kakak was so happy and keep smiling while meeting with the princess. They had a small conversation! It was gorgeous but Abang Umair was too shy. He can't even smile but he too fascinated with the princess I guess.
Alhamdulillah...I have a beautiful family. What about you???...
We had some light snack for lunch before went back. Mama cooked sushi but kakak and abang only eaten the sushi rice with scramble eggs. Uh! mama said..kakak looks like big girl already in this picture.
We bought few souvenirs for us to bring back to Malaysia. | |
Ok, that's all folks! Can't wait to have a celebration in Malaysia soon. To meet my grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins...see ya guyss!!
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So we went to the Amsterdam after Switzerland and UK. I must said this is the most interesting country that we have visited in Europe so far. The weather was fine towards us for 4 days we were there. Dutch peoples were kind, helpful and sweet. They can speak english fluently including the tram driver, the owner of self service laundry, the cashier at the supermarket and bakery. :)). Halal restaurant are easy to find, public transport condition were very clean and tip top. Punctual as always and they quite 'open' too because Hannah and I spotted the tram driver wearing a hijab. She told me at 1st. :) The same goes to the workers in their supermarket too. We hardly bumped into burglars or suspicious-looks-like people there.
Apart from that, Indonesian food and culture has had a huge influence in Amsterdam due to the former Dutch colonisation of the country.
I must said we had a great experienced and we loves everything about it. Now, let's enjoy the short story of our trip and few pictures. Hopefully, it can be beneficial to those who needed. :)
To travel from Paris by public transport we opt for train ride by Thalys. It gave us a special weekend price for Premium class. They provided the snack, lunch and free WiFi too. The seat and space were spacious. We had a comfortable journey for 4 hours.
Vegetarian food served for us that day |
Amsterdam central station |
One of the country's attraction. I have never found these many of bicycles until we came to Amsterdam. |
Alhamdulillah. The day was bright but still cold. |
The beautiful and charmed area of Vondelpark. Just stone throw away from our stayed. | | | | |
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Setelah lama tak berblog. Fuhhh~~~. Memang susah nak istiqamah. Bulan April lepas, ada berape jer entry sempat buat. Busy sangat sebab handle the kiddos and handbag from customer. But semalam dah closed order. So, bolehla kembali berblog seperti sedia kala. InshaALLAH.
Rasenya, baru jer cakap dah APRIL and today...what?? dah MAY??.. I have a mixed feeling right now. It's difficult to explain what's in my head . There were so many things happened ever since i become a fully housewife. Kids especially. It was a priceless thing to see my kids development day by day. One by one. Hannah, Umair and Uwais. It was a blessed by ALLAH Almighty for me. Now let's move forward and pray hard for the better future.
This week until mid of this month will be a school holiday for Hannah. Cuti musim bunga. So, a day before cuti derang ade buat carnival for the students. So, by 2.30pm...all kids and parents dah ready for the carnival. sma The event started by a small walk in front of the school. Hannah and classmates pakai kostum butterfly and bees. Suka la sangat kan?..feeling cute gitu. Hahaha...
So during the walking I sempat berborak..parlez anglais with this kind lady. A mother of Hannah's friend, Cappucine. I was trying so hard to make a good conversation with her. Luckily, she can speak english wlaupun rasanya, ada moment awkward di situ. Aku tanye lain..die jawab lain..kadang english derang tak sama...lain pemahamannya. The small walking only took 10-15minutes. After that, all children were gathered in front of the mairie ville for the group photo and continued with makan-makan time. We only eat chocolate biscuit and I brought a poulet nugget for Hannah. Kalau kat Malaysia, jamuan ringan sure ada bihun goreng, karipap, teh tarik which I think the term of jamuan 'ringan' kat situ memang tak kena. Hehehe...but YES! I am craving all those foods. We went back around 330pm since that evening looks like to become a rainy day!.
So, that's all! those pictures taken by mama's HP. Lupe la nak bawak camera. Kelam kabut sangat..smpi terlupa walhal dah letak atas meja kat rak kasut. That's proved I was old already..getting nyanyuk lately. Haisshhh...
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Introducing Hannah's friend : Cappucine |
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Ready for the group photo |
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