Hijab Stailista ke Rue Montrosier

By Sunday, May 26, 2013 , ,


Alhamdulillah...the interview when well despite of having a difficulties with my baby Uwais. Oh! he throw his tantrum during the interview session. :(

Anyway, I really hope that, you guys can accept what I have said and pardon me for the nervousness hence I am afraid that the message was not there. Sorry. Saya hanya manusia biasa.

TV9 - HIjab Stailista program
Setiap hari Sabtu pukul 1130 am.

With Ms Hajar, the interviewer and make up artist!.
See le petit??? Haisshhh....susah sangat since die taknak dekat orang and my husband was not around and ape lagi...memang membelit habis budak nih.
Nervous I! hahaha...Hajar is giving direction on the mic I guess. Erk! tak sure...tak ingat..
Subhanallah!! she was so pretty! kulit lawa, putih gebu, mulus, flawless! baik sangat and humble too. Sian Meera tak leh gak nak handle Uwais. Cun macam ni pun die takmo. Hahaha....anyway, nice knowing you Meera. Semoga Meera berjaya mencapai cita-cita dan terima kasih sebab adjust shawl akak jadi ala-ala2 hijabista giitew. Haha...
They said, they want to see my blog too. Particular on my handbag part!. *blushing*. ( since nama blog pun erk!! tak komersial langsung) 

Ok lah, after all...I should thank to Kak Aleen. She's the one who recommended me to them. I was so honored kak! When I said to her.." Alahai kak, depa nak tanye pasal fashion..sy ni mana tau fashion kak oi..but sy tolong bg yg terbaik and yg penting syariah compliance"..and she replied...

"U potray a good example of true muslim kat Paris ni..among us"

I was chocked with emotion....I was only a slave to ALLAH SWT and only an ordinary lady. You know...everyday I was struggling to become a better muslimah. There was  A LOT more that I need to learn. I misses the usrah badly...it calm me with it's way......

Guys, pls don't ask when it will be airing because I also wanted to know. Hajar said, she will keep me posted. Lastly, thank you for having me you guys..The Hijab Stailista crew...Kak Tina, Kak Leen, Hajar - you're awesome! made my butterfly in stomach gone by helping me with the script when I lost in the middle ( sebab kadang jawapan ke laut)...hahaha...Abg Wan, adik Nuh Hujan and Meera. Wish we can meet again later in MALAYSIA..INshaALLAH..love you ...

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  1. hai.. salam kenal,
    follower no.23
    done follow sini,
    jom follow teman yea yunk..=)

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