Sunday, July 26, 2009
Our Life
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Sunday, July 19, 2009
Our Life
As I open the car door to step out, hubby’s HP was rang. A minute after the conversation placed, he told me that Captain Zed will be coming to our house with his sailors. Well, I think I can guess who are the sailors.
Me : Die datang sorang-sorang ker?
Hubby : Taaakkkkk, dengan Syear and wifey.
Me : Aaaahhhh, ok then…
Captain Zed and his sailor num I are used to be hubby’s friend during their Uni time . While sailor num II is wife to sailor number I. I’ve once bump into Captain Zed a.k.a Mr Zachary at KLCC( if I not mistaken) and it was during my induction period for new executives who just joint the company. Hmm, kind a have a 1st time date with my BF which obviously is my husband now. :-P.
Sailor num I, Mr Syear a.k.a Tom Bombadil . According to hubby, Mr Tom is Captain Zed’s ex-roomie. I’m not so sure when my 1st time met him until I found his picture at my wedding reception in hubby's place. Last but not least, Sailor num II. Ms Lyana a.k.a Permatahati. I’ve seen her virtually in her blog. Such as a simple and humble yet sweet and charming person. I’ve met her in real when we attended Mr Fadhil a.k.a Pa’s wedding somewhere on March this year. Pa also is Captain Zed, Sailor num II and hubby’s Unimates. Ok, so what’s next?.
It’s come to the food now. Well, since I’m planning to make a Lasagna this week, so why don’t I just cook it and serve it to them. Even though I’m not really sure how my Lasagna will turn up. 1st time la katakan. Ding-dong, ding-dong…..I finished cooked my food mouth-watering around 4pm. Italian Chicken Roaster and Lasagna campak-campak. In between, I have to settled our daughter. She’s barely sleep since that morning.Kalau tak settle skrang, she will cranky and tend to sleep during Maghrib time and wake up around 8.30pm and sleep again around 11pm or nearly 12am. Sangat tak larat coz esok nyer keje.
Expected guests was arrived around 5pm..borak2, catch up bout each other life. After asar prayer and me had a wonderful gossip time with Permatahati finally they departed from our house at 7pm. Thank you so much guys for coming!. Nanti, nak main ice-skating please count us in ok!. Best jugak kalo dating secara berjemaah nih. The more the merrier kan?. No real lasagna picture were taken, but, my daughter will tell you how the taste of my 1st time trial of making Lasagna. Thank you to the guest for keep compliment my Lasagna “sedap la, sedap la, sedap la…….” Hahahahahaha…….I love it! .
Captain Zed, Mr Syear a.k.a Mr Tom. Nih Zaman bujang trang tang tang korang. Kecuali Captain Zed la....
This is Sailor Num II, wife to Sailor num I. Puan Lyana a.k.a Permatahati.
The Italian Chicken Roaster. (
ps : Ni gambo ayam yg bukan aku served kat korang smlm. Version lain sket. Rase still sama.)
My daughter, she's eating my Lasagna for her breakfast.
Sedap hingga menjilat sudu!!!!!!
Ps : Puan Lyana, resepi belum tepek lagi. Nanti2 ok!
Ps : Captain Zed, thank you for the J'CO donuts.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009
I told my husband that we need a high chair for Hannah before the fasting month arrived. It's kind like easy and helpful when come to the break fast time. All of us will be sitting and enjoy the meal together. That's my main objective to go to IKEA this morning.
So, he just stick to the planned and he doesn't have anything what -to- buy in his mind not until we arrived at tables and chairs section. Finally, we are ended with more than 1 stuff. Enjoy the pic!
Higher than the black one!

Mama's stuff again @ kitchen.We arrived at home around 12.3o pm and expecting a guest in the late of afternoon. Soon will be continued.
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Apparently, our daughter, this little cheeky gurl is really addicted to the video of "The Wheels On The Bus" on the YouTube. You don't believe it?... just watch this movie. As describes by the lyrics itself.."the wheels on the bus goes round and round, round and round, round and round..all through the toooooown". So she will ask us, to repeat this video for so many time, tak bley kire smpi brape ROUND daaa....till we memories the lyric perfectly.
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Ok, Everyone..let's go!!!!
Pilih,pilih..jgn tak pilih yer cik akak sumer..
Aaahhh..the shine2 things
Ok, bagi saya try baju ni cik!
Bli gapo tuh abe?
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