MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in CAR SEAT Contest
I think, I really enjoy sittng here la mommy..hehehe
Full Name : Nasrin Hannah Bt Mohamad Fadhly
D.O.B : 25 Feb 2008
This car seat are my life-saver when I need to drive to go somewhere with Hannah especially when her daddy is not around. It so easy-peasy to use. Just put her in the car seat, fasten the seat belt and, here you go!. Introduce our daughter's car seat, namely Peg-Prego in red. We bought this at Planeteenfants outlet at SOGO during the sale. It come with the stroller so we can detached the car seat and attached it on the stroller.
We put Hannah in the car seat ever since she was born to the world. Sometimes she cried and sometimes she enjoyed sitting in there. The hardest part come in my life when there's only me and Hannah in the car heading for somewhere without my husband aside. Like I mentioned before, she will not always behaves when she's in there. Some babies are really easy to handle, put them in the car seat,switch on the air cond, enter 'D' gear and off to the road. Blimey. They will fall asleep within 10 sec. But not my daughter. I had a bad experience while Hannah in the car seat and she was crying ever since we departed from the hospital till we arrived at home. She cried her heart-out and it was really made me sick all through the journey. Though it took only 20min from the hosp to our house, I feel like I've already drive for 3 hrs!!!!!. Poor Hannah, I'm so sorry for not bothering you. But trust me!!! this is the best that I can do. I have to do this! you're not feeling well and I must bring you to see a doctor. Well, you need to be a cruel person if you want to be a kind person!.
As everyone aware, safety must be the priority in the car. In fact, our government is already made up with the rules. All passengers at the back need to fasten their seat-belt. No excuses at all!. Hence, let us start train our children to fasten their seat belt ever since they are new-born. No harm for trying.
Last but least, pls hear this : "Let them cry, rather than they die"
ps : This is the 1st time for me join any of competition using the blog . Just try our luck. Kalu ader rezeki, Alhamdulillah. Thank you for admin in mombloggersplanet for the contest . Not to forget , the sponsor here..alicewonders and photobook. Good Luck everyone!!!!!!!
*For those who might be interested to join the contest, here are the info :
We put Hannah in the car seat ever since she was born to the world. Sometimes she cried and sometimes she enjoyed sitting in there. The hardest part come in my life when there's only me and Hannah in the car heading for somewhere without my husband aside. Like I mentioned before, she will not always behaves when she's in there. Some babies are really easy to handle, put them in the car seat,switch on the air cond, enter 'D' gear and off to the road. Blimey. They will fall asleep within 10 sec. But not my daughter. I had a bad experience while Hannah in the car seat and she was crying ever since we departed from the hospital till we arrived at home. She cried her heart-out and it was really made me sick all through the journey. Though it took only 20min from the hosp to our house, I feel like I've already drive for 3 hrs!!!!!. Poor Hannah, I'm so sorry for not bothering you. But trust me!!! this is the best that I can do. I have to do this! you're not feeling well and I must bring you to see a doctor. Well, you need to be a cruel person if you want to be a kind person!.
As everyone aware, safety must be the priority in the car. In fact, our government is already made up with the rules. All passengers at the back need to fasten their seat-belt. No excuses at all!. Hence, let us start train our children to fasten their seat belt ever since they are new-born. No harm for trying.
Last but least, pls hear this : "Let them cry, rather than they die"
ps : This is the 1st time for me join any of competition using the blog . Just try our luck. Kalu ader rezeki, Alhamdulillah. Thank you for admin in mombloggersplanet for the contest . Not to forget , the sponsor here..alicewonders and photobook. Good Luck everyone!!!!!!!
*For those who might be interested to join the contest, here are the info :
AliceWonders :
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