Saturday, September 29, 2012
Our Life
Surprised from our neighbour down there. Madam Nallines gave us these books. She was very kind and helpful person. She also taught me to speak in french. Merci beacoup Madam Nallines.
Ps : i'll cook some traditional dishes for you one day yaaa~~~~
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Friday, September 28, 2012
This young man is already 1 year and 9 months. Another 3 months to celebrate his 2nd birthday.Wanted to have a small vacation to disneyland paris. I mean, overnight to watch a fireworks perhaps?
He is now empowering his vocabulary. Keep saying the same words almost the time. He loves to watch "the wheels on the bus" in youtube. Keep pointed to us all vehicles on the roads and told us that was a bus. He understand basic instructions. Imitated us when he wanted to do so. It's funny when he mumble something as he read the samething like us when he performed the solat.
Dear Umair,
May you become a soleh man and great son to us. Aameen.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

*someone is struggle to roll over.Happy 4th months old sayang!
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Setelah penat lelah berusaha untuk mendaftarkan Hannah ke Ecole
Maternelle ini, akhirnya berjaya juga. Thanks to Acik, sebab tolong
dapatkan surat vaccine untuk Hannah. Very efficient one!. Jazakkallahu
Khayran Kathira Acik and Doc Fatiha. So, nak register Hannah ke
kindergarten ini kena pegi Mairie derang ( Majlis Daerah). Luckily tak
jauh pun, 15min walking distance. Tapi sebab sesat ari tuh, lambat la
sket smpi. Ada sorang French guy yg baik hati tegur kitaorg and tanya
nak ke mana..wpun die tak pandai langsung berbahasa Inggeriss, tapi kami
berjaya juga sampai dengan selamat.
The lane to the Hannah's class |
De la ville de Neuilly sur-seine ( Pejabat Majlis Bandar ). We straight to this office to get more information. Then, the receptionist ( feel relief she can speak english.Heheh) asked us to go to the other office. Macam pejabat pendidikan daerah if kalau kat Malaysia. The office just opposite of this main building. |
So, this is their education office for the registration purposes. |
Hannah in her classroom. Her teacher's name is Celine and mind you, here they do';t need to address their teacher properly. Kids as young as Hannah can call her teacher just CELINE. She was totally fine for her 1st day and somehow, the principal won't allow Hannah to wear a hijab to the school. No point to debate about it. France is France. They allow taking a porno picture, women wearing strips and prohibit muslim women from wearing niqab. So , i did not surprise at all. Sometimes, I have to admit that. It's difficult for me to explain when Hannah asked me why she can't wear a hijab. I simple say that, they're not muslim, they don't have ALLAH, they don't recite syahadah. I hope she will understand. In here, there will no school every wednesday (Mecredi). Hannah just attended only for the morning session since I have a very limited time in between if want to send her for the afternoon session. So far, until today, she enjoyed her school very much. No pressure at all. No books to read at home unlike in her previous kindergaten. Well, I think the environment suits her very well. |
Till now, will update later since baby need to be settled.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Our Life
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This situation was happenned last month in the pharmacy when i wanted to buy toothpaste for my children.
Me : avez-vous un dentifrice pour les enfants? ( feel proud with my french)
Pharmacist : aarrr...errr?
Me : dentifrice... ( whilst showing brushing teeth signal)
Pharmacist : DONTIFRICE!!!!
Me : oui..oui...DONTIFRICE... ( aisehh..sekali salah sebut, haisshh)..
Ps : i got 2 entries to post, the problem is always with the time and distraction from the kids.
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