Umair's 1st Birthday
By NanyFadhly Saturday, February 25, 2012 Our Life, UmairAssalammualaikum,
Dear Umair,
Happy belated birthday. Since you're still very2 young we 're (mama and papa) don't make a birthday bash for you. But i think, a small gathering with mama's family at Port Dickson last month is enough for you.
We had a wonderful bbq just at the balcony of the apartment, a yummylicious birthday cake sponsored by Mak Lang, Pak Lang and Mu'az. Enjoyed your 1st swimming moment with your sister as well as the scenery of the beach. We hope that you're realized that all of us were celebrated your birthday.

May ALLAH always protect you, be a good muslim, leader to all muslim as your name is (Khaleef) which means Khalifah.
Seriously, we love you unconditionally!!!
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Hannah's 4th birthday celebration at Genius Aulad Bandar Kinrara
By NanyFadhly Saturday, February 25, 2012 Hannah, Our Life
Today is Hannah's 4th birthday. I was took a leave yesterday just to celebrate her birthday with her friends and teachers. It's just a simple one but this is her 1st time birthday celebration at her pre-school. I should thank to ALLAH to give me an opportunity to be her side on her birthday. Without the support from her class teacher , AZRA and Genius Aulad management as well, I might not be able to see her cut her birthday cake with her friends.
The arrangement was made on early February. I asked her teacher whether parent can celebrate their daughter's birthday together during their school time and Alhamdulillah, recently Genius Aulad issued the permission for parents to celebrate their birthday together with their kids and the celebration only will be made on every last Friday at the end of the month and what a coincident, when 24th Feb is the last Friday in Feb and it's only 1 day early than Hannah's birthday, 25th Feb. :-) :-).
I booked an edible image birthday cake from Kak Aisha. She's living at Taman Tenaga, Puchong which is very near to our place. Hannah wanted a princess cake for her birthday and I granted her wishes. It was a chocolate cake and the taste was very delicious. I stop to order a 3D birthday cake since the taste was ...errr....not so good but the appearance was really nice.
For the goodies, I just asked my new neighbor to bake a mini cupcakes with various flavor ( choc/vanilla and strawberries). I love the packaging so much. It's very simple but attractive with no ribbon at all. Very suitable to give to the kids. If you want to try it, you may go to Kak Yati's blog. I knew her from Muslimah BK group in FB. Alhamdulillah, ALLAH ease everything for me.
We were planned to bring Hannah to ride the horse today but need to postponed it since today we have a 'parents sharing day' at Genius Aulad. Perhaps, tomorrow?.
As promised, Teacher Azra asked me to come around 9.15am since the break time is around 9.20am. Hannah already spotted my presence, that's why she's looking happy.
Waiting patiently for the birthday celebration
(From left) Teacher Shasha, Azra and the bibik. Their break time are same time for all classes. I amazed with all the teachers here since they have a powerful voice.
One of her classmate's birthday cake. Hamani's birthday was on 10th February. Both of them were celebrate it together.
Today is Hannah's 4th birthday. I was took a leave yesterday just to celebrate her birthday with her friends and teachers. It's just a simple one but this is her 1st time birthday celebration at her pre-school. I should thank to ALLAH to give me an opportunity to be her side on her birthday. Without the support from her class teacher , AZRA and Genius Aulad management as well, I might not be able to see her cut her birthday cake with her friends.
The arrangement was made on early February. I asked her teacher whether parent can celebrate their daughter's birthday together during their school time and Alhamdulillah, recently Genius Aulad issued the permission for parents to celebrate their birthday together with their kids and the celebration only will be made on every last Friday at the end of the month and what a coincident, when 24th Feb is the last Friday in Feb and it's only 1 day early than Hannah's birthday, 25th Feb. :-) :-).
I booked an edible image birthday cake from Kak Aisha. She's living at Taman Tenaga, Puchong which is very near to our place. Hannah wanted a princess cake for her birthday and I granted her wishes. It was a chocolate cake and the taste was very delicious. I stop to order a 3D birthday cake since the taste was ...errr....not so good but the appearance was really nice.
For the goodies, I just asked my new neighbor to bake a mini cupcakes with various flavor ( choc/vanilla and strawberries). I love the packaging so much. It's very simple but attractive with no ribbon at all. Very suitable to give to the kids. If you want to try it, you may go to Kak Yati's blog. I knew her from Muslimah BK group in FB. Alhamdulillah, ALLAH ease everything for me.
We were planned to bring Hannah to ride the horse today but need to postponed it since today we have a 'parents sharing day' at Genius Aulad. Perhaps, tomorrow?.
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Kedai Ayam Segar di Taman Bukit Kinrara
By NanyFadhly Friday, February 24, 2012 Simply Me
Syukur Alhamdulillah, sy diberi seorang jiran yang baik hati. Kak Nadia Loretta. She's the one who introduce me to this place. Selama ini sy ingat tak der kedai mcm nih di kwsn rumah. Paling best, sy dpt share info ini di blog sy dan pastinya ramai muslimah terutama ibu2 yang memang memasak untuk anak-anak dan suami kerana ternyata ianya Halal dan baik. Bukan kah Rasullullah menyuruh kite mencari makanan Halallan Tayyiban?. Halal dan baik. Penyembelih beragama Islam. Ayam akan diproses di sana juga. Kena tunggu lama sket la. Tapi, kalau dah biasa dengan empunya kedai ini, boleh call terus dan order. So, tak perlu tunggu lama-lama. :-) :-).
ALIDA ENTERPRISE di No.20, Jalan TBK 1/6, Tmn Bukit Kinrara, 47186, Puchong,Selangor. No hp : 017-6411341 / 016-9048059.

Rumah Ayam. :D. Ada 3 jenis ayam. Ayam biasa, ayam kampung and ayam pencen. Ayam kampung die takder la sama sebijik macam ayam kampung yang ayah dan mak sy bela. Memang tak boleh lawan la kan rase die. Tapi, ok la if nak masak sup ke, masak lemak ke, gulai ke. Ayam bandar pun sedap juga sebab rasa die segar!. Boleh pilih ikut saiz.
Rumah Ayam. :D. Ada 3 jenis ayam. Ayam biasa, ayam kampung and ayam pencen. Ayam kampung die takder la sama sebijik macam ayam kampung yang ayah dan mak sy bela. Memang tak boleh lawan la kan rase die. Tapi, ok la if nak masak sup ke, masak lemak ke, gulai ke. Ayam bandar pun sedap juga sebab rasa die segar!. Boleh pilih ikut saiz.
Ayam-ayam bandar
Hari tu, sy beli ayam kampung. Timbang dulu ayam nih. Baik jer dia. Kalau ayam kg kat kampung sy, dah lama terbang. Heheh...
Ayam yang sedang disembelih. Bekas tong besar ini adalah untuk meletakkan ayam yang sudah disembelih. Teringat sy masa di kampung. Kawasan rumah sy lapang. Lepas sembelih terus biarkan die menggelumpur kebebasan di atas rumput.
Semoga apa yang sy kongsikan ini dapat dijadikan panduan untuk semua muslimin dan muslimat.
ps : Tetiba teringat kari mak / sup ayam kg mak sy. Sedap sebab masak guna dapur arang.
ps : Tetiba teringat kari mak / sup ayam kg mak sy. Sedap sebab masak guna dapur arang.
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Home sick we guess!
By NanyFadhly Saturday, February 18, 2012 Hannah, Our Life, Reviews, Simply Me
Hannah started cranky ever since we 're back from a long break when both of us took a leave and went back to Kelantan. Everynight she complaint she doesn't want to go to school and asked us so many time, why must she go to school. Hundred answers we gave to her. And yet, she still the same. The weird thing is, although she said that she doesn't want to go to school, she still have a BIG GRIN once she reached at home.
I was worried and hope nothing bad happened to her at her school. I wrote to her teacher and explained the situation. Her teacher replied that she still the same as before she took a leave. As for the encouragement, her teacher will give her a sticker before dismissal.
The result?...she less complaint but still sometimes, she will say that she does'n want to go to the school. Until one day, as usual, I 'll give her a call everyday once she reached at home. She happily said that she won the prize and according to her she won because she colored the flower very nice. :-) :-).
She was extremely happy that evening. The box still in a good condition, She wait for me just to open the prize. ( That was sooo sweet). I texted my two sisters and told them the good news since I was very happy too. ( Can't imagine if her score straight A's or pass with flying colours in her examination). My mom? lagila, gembira sangat!.hahahah...excited, cucu sulong dapat tempat pertama mewarna.
Alhamdulillah, until now...she's doing fine with her school. I thanked her teacher as well since her teacher really love her and respond very well in the message book if I have something concerned about her. May ALLAH can repay her kindness. Next week, I'll took a leave and will celebrate her 4th birthday with her classmates and teachers.
I am now, teaching her to memorize Al-fatihah, and surah 3 Qul. She knew how to recite dhu'a before and after her meal. Once in a week we try to perform solat maghrib at our nearby mosque. We always pray that my kids will become a soleh and solehah person. Choose the right path and make the Al-Quran and Sunnah as their guidance. InshaALLAH....
Till now, will cont' soon.....
I was worried and hope nothing bad happened to her at her school. I wrote to her teacher and explained the situation. Her teacher replied that she still the same as before she took a leave. As for the encouragement, her teacher will give her a sticker before dismissal.
The result?...she less complaint but still sometimes, she will say that she does'n want to go to the school. Until one day, as usual, I 'll give her a call everyday once she reached at home. She happily said that she won the prize and according to her she won because she colored the flower very nice. :-) :-).
Alhamdulillah, until now...she's doing fine with her school. I thanked her teacher as well since her teacher really love her and respond very well in the message book if I have something concerned about her. May ALLAH can repay her kindness. Next week, I'll took a leave and will celebrate her 4th birthday with her classmates and teachers.
I am now, teaching her to memorize Al-fatihah, and surah 3 Qul. She knew how to recite dhu'a before and after her meal. Once in a week we try to perform solat maghrib at our nearby mosque. We always pray that my kids will become a soleh and solehah person. Choose the right path and make the Al-Quran and Sunnah as their guidance. InshaALLAH....
Till now, will cont' soon.....