Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Our Life
Rite' after one week of wedding reception at our side. Now, it's turn at the groom side. It was held at Banting. My parents and other relatives was reached at Banting Mosque (which obviously is our last resort, before off to the groom's house). It was 5 cars and 1 van. Hannah was not in the good mood. Clingy and refused to put her shoes on. She was trying to take out her socks and her princess-dress. Haihhhh..I just can't stand with her attitude on that day resulting she's wearing her normal-day-T-Shirt without socks and shoes. Nak makan pon susah tau. Sebab die nak berkepit all the time. Macam2 la...

My SIS in Law in red and both are my cousins.

Hannah in the princess-dress. Still in the good mood.

Can you see the groom?

Rombongan Che'Kiah..That's my eldest brother. (perasan hensem lah tuh)

Hahaha..suddenly he was trapped! kena pegang payung. I was shocked as well. It was totally unplanned. Sorry lar, lari tema..all blue and suddenly..aik?..G.R.E.E.N..?

Meja dad, my youngest brother and my younger sister.

My BIL and my SIS

Renjis jgn tak renjis yer!

I'm wondering what was my dad last word before he left his daughter

It was my turn..and see???..Hannah pon sibuk gak


Pengantin lama pon nak bersanding lagi sekali
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Our Life
Congrats to my sister and her husband. May ALLAH always bless both of you.
ps: Mr Wan Saiful B Wan Mohamad, pls do take care of my sister and love her till the end of time.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Our Life
Went to Faisal&Ain's wedd at Felda Inas, Kulai Johor. We spent our whole Sunday for this. Masa balik tuh, R&R Seremban mmg full house and agak jammed. Surely, there was a lot of open house on that day when we noticed that, ramai yang berpakaian baju kurung/baju melayu. We reached home at 9.30pm. Last but not least, congrats Faisal and Ain. Semoga berbahagia ke akhir hayat. Amin~~~Enjoy the pic! Transformed!..this is his new house. Cantik kan?.

Hannah with her daddy. Kebosanan~

Newly weds!!!

Sanggul tuh fake jer...

The groom

Raees main peek-a-boo with me

Jihan and co

Haihhh~~~..menikmati btol, smpi pejam2 mata..

Hannah and her mummy

How we're look like mommies?

Raees control macho and Hannah control ayu..And their mommies???

Killer pose from the groom

Me with the bride

Lastly, gambar wajib!....Gambar beramai2
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Our Life,
Simply Me
I'm very busying lately. Back to the office after raya break and only worked for 3 days. Attended open house and entertained my cousin and uncle/auntie on the last Saturday. Went to Felda Inas, Kulai for Hubby's unimate wedding reception and we spent the whole Sunday for this. Went for Geology Field Trip at East Cost area from Monday ( 5th October 2009 until now) and I'll be back in KL on this Friday. And guess what?....
My sister will get married on the next day after I reach in KL and I'm really sorry for her because I can't really help her much doing the preparation for her big day. But don't worry sis..I'll be in our house before 12pm on this Saturday. Our planned will be going smoothly, InshaALLAH......
I only have a time to update my blog with these sossy-mossy story after my sis kenduri.
That's all.
Thank you
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Saturday, October 03, 2009
Our Life

Ceta dah agak basi. But I think it still not too late since we're in Syawal month. Our Eid celebration @ Perak just like previous years. Cuma, this time around my sis yg study kat Ausie tuh dah back for good plus my Hannah yang dah pandai berlari. Last year, our turn to celebrate raya at Kelate and at that time, Hannah still baby lagi.
So, after having a traditional raya dish for breakfast, we went for Sembahyang sunat hari raya. My dad was the one who read the khutbah. After that, sesi berdrama aka sesi meminta ampun dan maaf. Hehehe... actually, my mom the only one yg berdrama everytime sesi meminta maaf. like, menahan kesedihan dan rase agak sebak sket.
Mcm tahun2 lps, if beraya at Perak, it was compulsory for us to recite Yassin at my late grandmother's graveyard. Ini my dad nyer mak la. Sblah my mom jauh sket. Then, we went to my auntie's house. The distance about 20min driving. Ok la, jalan pon tak jammed..kampung la katakan. Makan mcm2 la..her specialty was making 'sup gearbox', ayam kg masak kicap...yang lain pon sedap jugak..ader ketupat nasik, sambal sayur goreng yg ader tempe tuh...yummy..
Next2 stop..semua rumah makcik2 and pakcik2..ader la dlm 5 buah rumah. Balik rumah smpi dlm kol 5 ptg kot. Letih mmg letih. Tak larat nak mkn dah..huhuhu..smpi sakit perut!. Heheheh..
Raya ke-2, dok umah saje, melayan tetamu yg mmg ramai dtg. Mcm kenduri la..banyak btol gelas nak kena basuh. Luckily, my youngest brother tuh agak my maid pon ader..leh la tolong2.
Pagi raya ke-3 tuh kitaorg dah balik ke KL. Mlm nyer pulak nak kelik kelate...Hubby's cousin will get married on the raya ke-4 tuh. Smpi2 umah, kemas ape yg patut, basuh2 baju, pack2 ape yg patut.
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