Art and craft using paper plate

By Tuesday, September 15, 2015 , , , , , ,

Assalammualaikum w.b.t

So, we had a fun time with art and craft thing. This time, we used paper plate as a main stuff. I found in pinterest or people's blog about what we can transform the paper plate into. I love this kind of  idea since it only cost a small budget, not much of time consume, simple and easy task  for 3 yrs old until 7 yrs to perform

To-date we had created :

1) Car

2) Fish

3) Mini city

4) Owl

5) Bird

Normally, these are the basic things that you need to do your art and craft using paper plate :

1) Paper plate
2) Color - paint color, glass paint, pencil color, crayon, magic pen and marker  
    pen with various color
3) Sellotape - transparent OR  print OR both
4) Glue - normal glue or hot glue gun

Let's us see the process involved and the results of course!

Method :

Cut the paper plate into half.
Let the children choose their paint color.
Using the paint brush color the paper plate.

Let it dry  for about 30minutes ( depends on the weather).

In the meantime, cut the color paper into rectangle shape. You can ask your children to do so if their age is about 5yrs old and above.

Find any black paper or you can just simply color it . Cut it into the round shape to make the wheels.

Now, after the paper plate become dry, glue the rectangle shape for the car  window and I stapled the black color round shape for it's wheel.


Female fishes
Method :

This is among the easiest art and craft using paper plate. What you need is only to cut the triangle shape at any part of it. Make that shape to become a fish tail. Simply glue it onto the fish body. Finally, let the children use their idea and creativity to design and decor their own fish.

 Method :

Fold and glue both part of paper plate to the center. Make sure it doesn't touch each other. The size of your owl will depend on how big or small you fold it. Then, fold the upper part and glue it. 

Color the owl using paint color. Let it dry.

In the mean time, make  feet, eyes and beak for the owl. Ask your children to cut and color it. When the owl is dry , glue everything on it. Now it's done!

Method :

Cut the paper plate into the wing, head and tail shape. Since our paper plate is small. we had to find other hard paper  to make the bird's body. In my case, I used cookie box since I don't have cup board paper. I think, cereal box also good to use.

Now, after assemble everything  to each other you can start color it. Hannah choose pink as it's body and brown as it's head.
To help your children make her own bird, sketch it 1st on the paper.
Finally, time for decorations. Hannah loves to make her bird looks so pretty. She was happy with the result and keep it in her bedroom.

I don't take a photo for the mini city. But, you can try it out. I used paper cup as a building and put on top of the paper plate. Placed the food skewer on it as an antena. All the best!

That's all for now. 

Thank you for reading peeps!.

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  1. rajin dan kreatif nany :)

    mesti anak3 nany happy dpt mummy yg rajin buat aktiviti :)


Terima kasih di atas segala komen dan sokongan.