Let's wear your baby!!!!

By Friday, January 28, 2011

Quoted from Wikipedia,
Dr. William Sears, a pediatrician, coined the phrase attachment parenting. One of Sears' principles of attachment parenting is babywearing and he attributes many benefits to babywearing and the in-arms style of parenting.
Claimed benefits of babywearing include:

  • Mothers' progesterone (mothering hormone) is increased through physical contact with the infant, leading to a more intimate maternal bond, easier breastfeeding and better care, thus lowering the incidence of postpartum depression and psychosomatic illness[citation needed].
  • Infants who are carried are calmer because all of their primal/survival needs are met. The caregiver can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, tasted, provide feeding and the motion necessary for continuing neural development, gastrointestinal and respiratory health and to establish balance (inner ear development) and muscle tone is constant.[1]
  • Infants are more organized. Parental rhythms (walking, heartbeat, etc.) have balancing and soothing effects on infants.
  • Infants are "humanized" earlier by developing socially. Babies are closer to people and can study facial expressions, learn languages faster and be familiar with body language.[2]
  • Contrary to western cultural myths, independence is established earlier.[1]
  • Attachment between child and caregiver is more secure.[3]
  • Decreases risk of positional plagiocephaly ("flat head syndrome") caused by extended time spent in a car seat and by sleeping on the back. Sleeping on the back is recommended to decrease the risk of SIDS. Cranial distortion resulting from non-vehicular time in car seats has shown to be more severe than in children who develop plagiocephaly from back-lying on a mattress. [4] Concern over plagiocephaly has also led the American Academy of Pediatrics to recommend that infants “should spend minimal time in car seats (when not a passenger in a vehicle) or other seating that maintains supine positioning. [5] None of the babywearing positions require infants to lie supine while being carried. Infants can even be worn while they sleep, also decreasing sleeping time spent in a supine position. "


I bought one pouch last 2 years to wear Hannah. I fall in love with the prints and it's the easiest type to wear your baby. No straps, buckles, no nothing that makes it difficult. I just can't resist myself to get another carrier for UMAIR. ( reason to shopping). Hence, I bought RS from Mamapatch since, RS can be adjusted so, I think my hubby and my maid also can use it while pouch only suit with me.

Raw silk RS. An adjustable, one size fits most, Breastfeeding possible, even for a toddler. Extra fabric provides ample coverage while breastfeeding, Many positions possible (just like the pouch).

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