Good Bye Malaysia and Bienvenue en France
Alhamdulillah, Allah Swt made our journey become smooth and safe. It was a great and wonderful experience to me and kids. I am happy too because we still can perform our solah although we're in the aeroplane. Kids was sleep soundly for only 8-9 hrs in the plane. After that, they played actively.Hannah as usual, keep asking me.. "bila nak smpi"..Finally, we checked- in at the Fraser suites Harmony around 830 am.The weather was so cold!.Me and hubby was jet lag on that day but kids? ironically, was very playful. We had a pakistani dishes for our 1st day of iftar.And it was a delivery. Again, thank you Allah...despite all the diffilcuties we faced through our journey...we had accomplished our 1st 17hrs of fasting. :)))).
Terima kasih di atas segala komen dan sokongan.