Kedai Ayam dan Daging Halal di Paris

By Wednesday, January 23, 2013 , ,

Assalammualaikum! Well, entry kali ini nak cerita di mana nak cari kedai ayam dan daging yang halal kat Paris. Actually, there's a kosher shop located just behind our house..but yet, the definition of kosher tuh still tak halal jugak which i think depends kat mazhab masing-masing. So, jom tengok kat mana boleh beli ayam dan daging halal ni. Nama tempat Metro station ni 'La Chapelle'. Macam kitaorg kena naik M1 dulu then tukar kat station `Charles de gaulle-etoile' untuk amik M2 ke arah La Chapelle. If nak senang, make sure you guys read the sign and map kat metro station tuh..senang jer, InshaAllah tak sesat..kalau sesat..korang nyanyi lagu Maher Zain will find your way...hahaha.. Bila dah sampai..kluar from Metro korang terus ke kanan..kalau sebelah kiri kedai runcit Gopal. I like to shop here as well coz it sell segala spices termasuk la kelapa parut dan kelapa tak parut. Satu lagi, it reminds me to Malaysia. Kedai dia lebih kurang macam kedai runcit kat area rumah kat Bandar Kinrara tuh ha and the owner is from Sri Lanka. They can parlez anglais, francais and their language jugak. Apart from that, ada product from Malaysia juga tau! Really made me proud.. hehe..mostly kedai ni jual barang from South East Asia. Tres bien!

Metro station La Chapelle
Kedai Gopal pujaan hatiku. :) As I mentioned before..if turn will find the halal boucherie shop. Don't buy at the first shop coz the price is more expensive compare to the next one. Ada 2 jer kedai kat, tak susah nak cari and dekat jer pun from the Metro station. I think dlm 5 min jalan kaki dah sampai.
Macam-macam ada. Lapin tuh arnab.
Quail anyone?
Dinde le poulet ( ayam turki ). Belum try lagi masak ayam ni.
Lamb (agneau) beef (boeuf) and the best part is..lamb die tak bau pun! sedap. In fact..ayam and daging pun takde bau hanyir and bersih sangat. If kat Malaysia, I 'll use wheat flour to wash the beef and chicken sebab nak hilangkan bau yang tak best tu kan. Tapi kat sini..basuh guna air biasa jer dah cukup.
le poulet le goleks. Looks yummy..kena try jugak one fine day before balik ke Malaysia. Hahaha..
Tengah proses ayam 5 kilo yang dibeli.
Akhirnya..ayam yang berjaya dibawa pulang. Sedia untuk dikerjakan. Well I hope this entry will be benefial to anyone who is looking for halal boucherie in Paris. There's another one place that you can find halal boucherie with a lot of choices but the area is not really safe. Banyak pengepaw yg muke ganas kat sana and their target is tourist like us. Till then,bon soir and wassalam!

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  1. suka baca blog ni sbb mengingatkan saya masa ke Paris dulu.lama dah tapi tetap dlam memori

    citer kelakar,masuk kedai arab,saya selamba capai telur rebus dan tanya 'halal?'dia pun gelak

  2. IRFA : Merci kak.. :) kenangan semua ni..kena abadikan dlm blog disamping dapat membantu sesiapa yg kot2 nak ke Paris and cari makanan yg halal.

    Hahahaha..part telur rebus tu lawak... :) innocent jer kan? Yer la, dah kat negara org ni suspicious die luar biasa sket.


Terima kasih di atas segala komen dan sokongan.