Betul ke ?
So..this is a story. I went to Longchamp last Wednesday sebab nak beli handbags orang pesan. Tak best pulak bile org dah bank in duit kite lambat-lambatkan. I bought 3 le pliage long handle (25*25*14)cm and 1 planetes bag black color large size. However, cashier tu dah salah key in code and die kira semua le, total jadi murah la kan?. I noticed ni pun bila dah sampai rumah. So, lawan la hasutan syaitan dan bisikan jahat dlm hati dan fikiran. I kena bayar extra lagi..sebab yang pasti...I dah perasan cashier tu buat silap kat resit tu..So today, i went again to the shop and explained everthing to the SA and after 5 minutes waiting. The SA admitted the mistake and yes! I need to pay extra. So, as a return..(i don't expect anything from them). They thanked me and give me this :
Syukur...Well, hadiah tu tak penting pun but I'd still remember what was the SA told me.. "Because u kind enough to tell us the truth"...
As a muslim, we must bring a good identity along and show to the world that what is actually Islam taught us. Don't really think about dunya but think about rewards from Allah Swt. Yes, by keep silent...i mean not telling the truth..i akan dapat untung lagi lebih bila jual handbag tuh but yet..the money might be used to buy foods for me or my kids. Where's the halalness and barakah?. Rasenye, this is what we called ujian juga. Since i buat small business kat sini and my nawaitu nak tolong kawan dpt harga murah and donate some of the money to our brothers and sisters in GAZA. InshaAllah..rezeki Allah itu luas. Now pun I rase syukur sgt sebab dapat.sampai sini and sihat tubuh badan. Alhamdulillah...and last but not least :
About the Author
A mom with 3 beautiful children. Loves to share and writes anything good about LIFE
nampak simple je test, tapi sebenarnya menggugat iman :D
ReplyDeleteya Allah nany....baik betul hati pekerti....betul lieya ckp, tak semua akan buat mcm nany...silap2 ramai yg dok diamkan sebab nak untung ....mmg terpuji sgt2 sikap nany...serius lieya kagum...nany dah naik kan martabat islam di mate mereka....
ReplyDeletetahniah nany...really adore you!
alhamdulillah.. nampak benda kecik je kan... tapi benda tu la yang nak buat makan pakai kita... tahniah.. heheh
ReplyDeleteRVA : Betul! Kalau kali 4.10..masyuk dah..haha
ReplyDeleteLIEYA : Alahai...biasa jer lieya. Teman nak.berkongsi kegembiraan melawan hasutan Syaitan bertanduk . Hahaha
YAN ; Takper, rezeki ada di mana-mana kan?. Bukan duit jer rezeki...ramai org boleh lepas test Allah bg masa susah..tapi masa senang ramai yg failed. Saling ingat mengingati kan? :))
ReplyDeletetak ramai mcm tu
akak pun byk kali teruji nasib baik iman masih tebal
hehe..w,pun rm1 rasa x smpi hati nak ambik..mgkin Allah akan ganti dlm bentuk lain
IRFA : macam tu la kak..ujian datang dari pelbagai jenis ..moga kita sama2 bersabar dan tabah menghadapi apa juga ujian dari Allah swt
ReplyDeletesetiap yang dilakukan pasti ditulis Allah...duit berjuta pun kalao tak bersih tak kayo2 pun kan nany..:) yg makcik loike ialah my name is khan, i'm muslim n im not terorist...:)
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih di atas segala komen dan sokongan.