Keep Calm And Stop Complaining

By Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Assalammualaikum w.b.t

Hi Earthlings!

In last year, I was being selected as one of  the PIBG member in my children's school. Pengalaman  yang sangat berharga pada saya kerana banyak yang saya pelajari tentang sikap dan mindset sesetengah manusia.

Antaranya adalah tentang COMPLAIN

Which is relating to etiquette. Dalam kehidupan kita seharian ni pun ada tatacara dan panduan yang tersendiri. Seperti contoh minum,  makan, nak tidur, nak naik bas dan banyak lagi kan? . If all these simple things pun dah kena beretika untuk kita lakukan. Apatah lagi perkara yang lebih complicated.

People including ME will loves to complain everything that we think not right and nice in our eyes. Complain for me is OK and in fact it's very good for the sake of improvement . But how to have an etiquette while complaining?

Ada dua jenis group of complainer di sini.  Yang pertama, complain cakap itu dan ini di belakang tanpa solution dan tidak disalurkan ke saluran yang betul. Yang kedua, agak bijak sket sebab jumpa terus face to face and beritahu apa yang kita tak puas hati.

So, korang in which group?

I sometimes adalah dalam kumpulan pertama sebab I want to exchage the ideas and wanted to know other's opinion and experience too. Because, I believe by doing so I will feel release .


After sometimes, when the other issue raised. Even it's only a SMALL one. Macam semut kecik nya. I felt the 'burden' is getting heavier. One day, I myself give a personal message (PM) to 'whom it may concern' .


I feel much better and really release everything.  

Hereby is  the lesson learnt from me.

#1 - DO NOT WASTE our TIME too much for talking bad at the back. TIME is PRECIOUS. In fact, ALLAH S.W.T had swear by TIME in Surah Al-ASR :

Part berpesan-pesan dengan sabar tuh pun dah jelas dan nyata kan. What is the etiquette that we all should have. It was really hit me. Terkena kat batang hidung sendri.

#2 - Before we want to complain, please write the solutions as well. At least, we are the species yang contribute something juga la daripada banyak cakap tapi kosong takda sebarang input.

#3 - We always feel that we're right all the time. Terlupa sebelah pihak lagi mungkin sedang menghadapi masalah. We are trying to be in their shoes. Unfortunately, our size is different. Hence, I strongly suggest to have from-heart- to- heart discussion.
Harapnya dijadikan tauladan dan sempadan buat semua. I am not PERFECT but sharing this is something that I feel can benefits to all. Such as a reminder to myself as well.

That's All and Thank you for reading!

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  1. Bagi PC komplen ada 2 versi..komplen untuk memotivasi dan memberi serta mencari solusi atau komplen untuk tambah keruhkan lagi keadaan...

  2. Thank you kak Nany kongsikan tentang ni. Nani ni pun selalu jugak mengeluh, complain macam macam padahal ada aje jalan penyelesaian. Huhu. InshaAllah boleh improve lagi diri kita lepas ni :)

  3. betultu nany... duk komplenjer tak kemana... ada orang yang duk positif semua hal lagi berjaya yer...

  4. Setuju !!! Jangan pandai complain tp tak de suggestion solution pulak ek... biasalah kita manusia biasa Nany...

    Insyaallah kalau ada mesyuarat masalah akan mampu diaelesaikan bersama


Terima kasih di atas segala komen dan sokongan.