Awesome art & craft idea with cotton buds!

By Tuesday, March 15, 2016 , , , , , ,

Assalammualaikum w.b.t

Here is another idea that I wanted to share with all of you. A simple activity that you can do with your children.

We called it "Skeleton Picture" .

Before we proceed with the materials and method. I recommend you to have a story telling time about human body with your children.

Here is our reference :

A book entitled "Look Inside Your Body"
Children love to hear a story. I told and showed them where is our bone, hip bone and what happened if we didn't have any bones at all.  We will become a wobbly puddle of goo and we can't lift a thing, we can't play soccer and we can't help each other. Thus, we must say ALHAMDULILLAH and thanks to ALLAH S.W.T for everything that He gave us.

Basically, here is the materials that you need to have :

1) A black cupboard  paper

2) Cotton buds

3) Hot glue Gun

4) Pencil color

5) Some decoration items

Firstly, I sketched a simple human skeleton on a piece of paper. The purpose is for my children used this a reference when they want to assemble the cotton buds on their own paper.

Secondly, broke the cotton buds into a few sizes. You can teach your children about a length - long, longer, longest, short, shorter and shortest. 

You can arrange them on the floor or at any flat surface and asked them to compare their length. Then, guide your children to pick up it from the longest to the shortest ones.

Choose a white pencil color to color the head

I found that hot glue gun is more effective to stick the cotton buds onto the paper. That's why a cup board paper is more reliable compare to a normal A4 paper type.

At this stage, they need a help from adult since the glue is quite hot and it is dangerous for children to handle it.

Next, you can decorate your skeleton picture with anything that you think it suit with it.

For example, we used a decoration tape to make a border and they can draw anything that they like on it.


It's done! 

Left to right : Big sister, younger brother and youngest brother.

Happy trying!

That's all and thank you for reading!

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